Discover what we do

Welcome to CPNet Consultancy

What is CPNet

We conduct Audits, Risk Assessments, CIRT, Online Marketing & Research, Business Management Services and Logistics in view of submitting recommendations on measures to be taken and developing plans and procedures for various spaces.

A segment of our Value Chain diagram. >

What is AirOps

AirOps is the UAS vertical of CPNet delivering services in UAV consultancy, enterprise level deployments and operations training.

< Our project planning process. 


What our clients write about us

CPNet has provides services in video production, Social Media Marketing, Supply chain logistics, the Insurance Industry, The Pharmaceuticals Industry and Sports Administration spaces. We have also managed Public health & Safety projects, Climate Change Projects and Renewable Energy and Utility services projects.
Please find below comments from two recent engagements.

CPNet developed a web portal in support of a regional project.
The platform was commissioned in a phenomenal time and delivered exactly what was required under the terms of reference.
CPNet demonstrated a thorough understanding of the business challenge and designed & implemented the perfect solution.

Dr. Asha Singh

International environmental consultant (Trinidad & Tobago)

CPNet provided timely, efficient and expert services.
The project timelines were realized and within planned costs.
Completely satisfied with their project management services.

Deborah Trottman

Project Manager (United Kingdom)

Diversified and vertically integrated.

See some examples of what we do.

Cyber Audits

Security Logistics

Specialized Industry-related Financial Services

Renewable Energy Logistics

Media Production & Web Services

Solar array Inspection Services

CPNet Consultancy.


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